I just realized that I did not write a post about this gorgeous wedding present that we were given by the wonderful Jenny and her daughter Blossom in Australia. The small wallhanging is so beautiful, so I hung it in a special place in our living room. It is embellished with tiny beads, and the stitches are so even and perfect! I love this present, and my husband said that he likes it too:-) And he's not very into this kind of things;-)

This is the tote I came up with for the summer tote swap, I am really happy with it, so it's kind of hard to give it away;-) I hope the reciever will like it too! It was a long process to finish it, but I made it before the deadline. The tote will go in the mail tomorrow, on it's way to a new home.

I tucked in a couple of extras, two pieces of Tilda fabrics and matching ribbon...

Now I only have three more days at work until I get my summer vacation, It will be sooooo good to have three weeks off from work. We are going on a little trip to Denmark, but other than that, I think we will stay at home and relax. I think I'm going to sew a lot, I have plenty of projects in my mind that I want to do.
7 kommentarer:
Komme på besøk? :)
Så flotte gaver - du er såÅÅÅÅ flink !
Ønsker deg fortsatt en riktig fin sommer :o)
What a lovely wedding gift! The tote is going to be a lovely surprise for the recipient.
I love your cute lil' wall hanging! What a wonderful wedding gift:)
And, you know I ♥LOVE♥ the tote bag you made ~ ♥RED♥:)!! It's so pretty! I'd have a hard time sending it too :)
Oh Jenny and Blossom stitched a beautiful wedding present for you.
Oh your bag is just gorgeous,lucky recipient.
Enjoy you holiday and trip to Denmark too.
This is darling and your partner will love it. Great color combination. Did you use a pattern on the bag?
Hi Synnove! RECEIVED and I LOVE IT!!! My daughter (who loves red as well) oooohhh and ahhhhed over the tote and asked if it was for her. sorry Punkie! This one is mine!
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