Just a little sneak peek on what is going on in my sewing room at the moment... Got to be done before the 12'th of june:-)
(Sewing clothes is not my strongest side, so wish me luck)
I'm just about to take a trip, going to be away for two weeks...
I am quite a big sized girl, and I am trying to loose some of it. And I am so lucky to be accepted as a client in a program held in "Tonsaasen" (follow the link to see some pictures).
I will be there for two weeks, learning about food, nutrition and training. Surrounded by beautiful nature and mountains!
This is a program going over five years, and this is my second year going there. I learned so much there last year, so I'm looking forward to the stay, starting tomorrow.
Lucky for me, my sewing machine is going with me, so I will not be out of things to do when I'm not training or having classes:-)
I will share some pictures from my stay in Tonsaasen, so stay tuned:-)
4 kommentarer:
Så flott dette opplegget høres ut, og stedet så jo riktig så fasjonabelt ut :o)
Der kunne jeg godt tenkt meg å være selv, så jeg ser virkelig frem til å følge med på hvordan du har det, i de neste to ukene :o)
God tur ! Og vi er her når du kommer tilbake :o)
Ser riktig fristende ut - god tur!
Det du syr på ser lekkert ut - gleder meg til å se mer :)
Håper du får et fint opphold!
Hi, Synnove ~
I peeked at the pictures of the place you are at ~ oh, my! it's beautiful! I'd never want to leave!! I say that about the camp I go to sometimes with a group of quilters. I just want to stay and become part of the staff :) lol!
From the picture of your dress fabric, it looks beautiful!! Can't wait to see it finished, and oh,my! you picked a very good date ~ June 12th ~ it's my birthday♥ hehehe!! :)
Love your blog! Enjoy the rest of your stay!
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